Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Prefixes and Suffixes

Sometimes, the plain reference will just not do. Someone asked me recently about a work which was by a set of authors, but had a bit inserted in it by someone else. The plain reference (Smith et al (1991) p. 42) simply would not do, but then nor would (Jones (1991) p. 42), as that is almost equally misleading.

Similarly, you might was to say (see Smith et al (1991) p 55).

How do you handle these issues?

There are two ways you can, in fact, deal with these items. Inevitably, there is a complex way, and a simple way. Unless this sort of thing happens a lot to you, I commend the simple way.

Consider this citation:

(Cuban, 2001)

Suppose I wish to add the word ‘see’ to the beginning of it. If I click on Edit & Manage Citations from the Citations group of the Endnote tab, I get the dialog box:

I can add the text I wish to appear before the citation to the Prefix box:

(see Cuban, 2001)

I need to remember to add the space as well.