Tuesday, 27 August 2013

Endnote vs The Rest

There is an interesting post here about using Endnote (or not):


together with a lengthy discussion in the comments.

Endnote seems to have a bad reputation for occasionally messing up long documents, leaving a 'references-off-by-one' error, which is referred to int he post and comments.

I have not ever seen this error, so could anyone who does experience it let me know, please? Anecdotal evidence suggests that it happens when a long document scan for citations is cancelled, but I have not managed to reproduce it.

Aside from that, one of the outcomes of the discussion is that choice of reference management software is highly personal.

And finally, I have to add that lots of people do complete their theses happily while using Endnote....

Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Invalid Class String – Update

One of the most popular posts on this blog is the one about the error “Invalid Class String”.

This usually happens when you are running Word as an administrator and Endnote as a user.

Thompson have kindly rearranged their web site, so the link to the FAQ in the original post (http://durhamendnote.blogspot.co.uk/2012/05/invalid-class-string.html) is not incorrect.

The address you now need is this: http://endnote.com/support/faqs/endnote

and scroll down to CWYW 13, and click on ‘Answer’. 

Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Endnote X7.0.1 Windows

No sooner did Endnote X7 appear, than there was a patch.

The patch also uses a new feature of Endnote X7, in that it launches automatically when the update is detected, and installs itself.

The update arrived last week. You can skip it, but the pop-up may well return the next time you open Endnote. In order to avoid it keeping popping up, you need to click on ‘skip this version’. If you use ‘cancel’ it will reappear next time.

You also need administrator rights to install it, so it could become a nuisance for those without such rights (of course, that may be part of the point; updates are good things, in general).

The patch description is:
Improved stability for Synchronisation.
Updates to "Category Bibliography" functionality in CWYW.
Updates to record matching logic for CWYW.
Improved performance for application auto-updating.