This is the first of what is planned to be a series of posts about Endnote Web.
The first questions to ask are ‘what is Endnote Web?’ and ‘how do I find it?’ This might be quickly followed by ‘why should I use it?’ I’ll try to answer these questions here, before moving on to how Endnote web can be used.
Endnote Web is, as the name suggests, a web based version of Endnote. It lives on the ISI Web of Knowledge site. I think that the Endnote Web is less powerful than the stand alone desktop version of Endnote, but it is rapidly increasing in capability. Best of all, at the moment, it is free to get an account and start using Endnote.
As mentioned, Endnote Web is to be found on the Web of Knowledge site, in the links at the top.

To start off, you will need to create an account on WoK. Click on ‘Sign In’ and then on the ‘Register’ link.

Having an account on WoK also allows you to save searches and retrieve them for later re-runs. You do not have to use your Durham email address for your user name, as long as you remember which address you did use. You also need to choose your password carefully, as the site has rather complex and pedantic rules for passwords.
Once registered, sign in to WoK and click on the Endnote web link. A new tab should take you to the Endnote Web interface.
Clicking on the ‘Show Getting started Guide’ towards the top right will take you to the relevant parts of the interface for doing different tasks within Endnote Web.

Endnote Web does evolve fairly quickly, but the basic user interface has been stable for a while. If things look a bit different from the pictures here, let me know and I’ll see if anything significant has changed.
This is very helpful. Thanks Mr. Polemarch :)