Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Cutting and Pasting While Using Endnote

One of the things that people have complained to me about is that Endnote sometimes messes the references up; it misplaces them and they are then off by one reference.

This has caused me a great deal of puzzlement until recently, when a user contacted me with such a problem.

Based on the description of what happened, I managed to track down the issue (I think):

What happens is that when you cut and paste some text with formatted Endnote references attached, Endnote can indeed, mess up in the way described. Presumably this is something to do with Endnote having to reformat the references and bibliography when the cut and paste is carried out.

The way to avoid this is, before the cut and paste is done, to un-format the citations in the document you are cutting from. This is done from the Endnote tab, Convert Citations and Bibliography button on the Bibliography group.

Then you can paste the section of text you want into the other document. If necessary, you can then use Update Citations and Bibliography to reformat the references and add them to the bibliography.

If you have got any more information, or any examples of this happening, please do let me know, because I have never actually seen it in action.


  1. I confess to being that user and yes, since following the advice in the url you sent me, I haven't had any problems. Once, I forgot to unformat before copying and pasting and my citations were messed up - I could have kicked myself.

    It is also worth noting the advice given to regularly unformat your citations, so that there are no surprises the day you come to print out your thesis.

  2. I can assure you that you are not alone!

    One of the surprises the summer Endnote survey threw up was this problem; a number of people reported not trusting Endnote after it had done this, only I couldn't see how a program could achieve it.

    So if anyone has any other oddities to report, do say. You are almost certainly not the only one, and there is no need to suffer in silence. Plus, I can't try to fix things or find work-arounds if you don't let me know.
